

The Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC requires the European Commission to present a study showing viability, feasibility and effectiveness of possible measures related to environmental parameters of products under investigation. Stakeholder consultation is required throughout this process. The tasks carried out under the studies are further explained in the section "Methodology". Such preparatory studies also serve to prove viability and feasibility of Energy labelling measures, in accordance with Directive 2010/30/EU on Energy Labelling

The product group "Compressors" was identified as priority group in the first iteration of the Ecodesign Working Plan (period 2009-2011). In 2012 the ENER lot 31 study was commissioned to VHK to investigate the product group compressors driven by electric motors.

The first study, which ran from March 2012 until June 2014, concluded that the subgroup standard air compressor packages are eligible for ecodesign measures as the market is significant, the environmental impact is significant and savings could be realised without excessive negative impacts.

The Commission then drafted a Working Document which was presented to the Members of the Consultation Forum on 23 October 2014.

As this first study could not assess in greater detail possible policy options for compressors in other application ranges a second study was commissioned to VHK in 2015, to assess the low pressure and oil free application ranges in particular. The study on low pressure and oil free compressors is expected to run until April 2017.

For more information on the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC and related activities, please visit the Contacts & Links page.

Study methodology

The former study on standard air compressors was conducted using the 2005 MEEuP as basis.

The latter preparatory study on oil free and low pressure compressors is conducted using the Methodology for Ecodesign of Energy-using products (MEErP). This methodology (developed in 2005, and revised in 2011 and 2013) defines a structure for studies for evaluating whether and to which extent various energy-using products fulfill certain criteria that make them eligible for implementing measures. The studies shall be used to assess possible energy labelling measures as well.

The 2011 revision of MEErP requires the contractor to carry out 7 tasks, ranging from definition of scope to policy scenario analysis.

  • Task 1: Scope
  • Task 2: Markets
  • Task 3: Users
  • Task 4: Technologies
  • Task 5: Environment
  • Task 6: Economics
  • Task 7: Scenarios

The 2013 revision added certain material efficiency aspects.


For more information, please visit:
(scroll down to " Support tools for experts " and "Methodology for the Ecodesign of Energy-related Products (MEErP)")


European Commission